My name is Woode. I am nine years old and 96 solid pounds. I am one big goofy clown. I live to chase tennis balls.
I was the first Golden Retriever in this house. Mom and Dad came and picked me out from my breeder when I was just a little, bitty thing. Mom wanted me because I was assertive and I had to grow up with two Jack Russells in the house and everyone knows what pests they can be. The youngest JR, Snapper, thought I was his personal chew toy when I got home. Well, after I grew to be four times his size, I showed him a thing or two!! I have to admit he was a lot of fun to play tug-o-war with as I grew up. He would hold onto that rope for hours.
I am still Mom's lap dog, but her lap has gotten smaller. I use to fit in it. Now when I climb into it, I kind of hang over on all sides. She doesn't mind though because I give her big, wet, sloppy kisses. My one bad habit is that I am a "woobie killer". Now, I realize some of you won't know what a "woobie" is. It is a stuffed animal. The problem with woobies is that there are "good woobies" and "bad woobies" and their perosnalities can change instantly, so you must always be on the lookout. When a woobie goes "bad", it is my job to subdue it and rip out all the polyester stuffing. Many times Mom has left the house to do errands, thinking we only had good woobies in the house. However, upon her return, she has discovered one went bad and I had to kill it in her absence. It's a good thing there are no evil pillows in our house!!
I hope you will take a few minutes to visit my "brothers and sisters" on their Web pages.
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at<